According to, which ferreted out the identities of the authors of @FakeAPStylebook* on Twitter, the satirical site has quickly overtaken the straight one, with 35,455 followers for @FakeAPStylebook to 24,022 for @APStylebook. Or, if you prefer, the intentionally funny one is more popular than the unintentionally funny one.
This goes a long way toward restoring my faith in the public’s judgment.
*Ken Lowery of Dallas, Texas, and Mark Hale of Louisville, Kentucky, who are reportedly at work on a book proposal. And thanks to Susan Z. Swan for the tipoff to the article.
I think it's a shame that someone "outed" the fakeAP people. They're not doing any harm, and the anonymity is half of the fun: this is a faceless stylebook. It looses some of its fake authority.