A couple of days ago a check from Apprentice House arrived, the royalties for The Old Editor Says from 2013.
Several of you have been kind enough to praise the book, and Jan Freeman. Stan Carey, and Steve Buttry, among others, have written generous reviews of the little book. Now I have an additional reason to be grateful to those of you who bought the book: cash in the bank.
Some of you, no doubt through oversight, have not bought The Old Editor Says, but don't be troubled; it's still available, in print and electronic versions. A previous post carries a link to Amazon.com and also includes links to those favorable reviews. Let me assure you that a royalty check next year from your purchases will be just as gratefully received as this year's.
And since the stores are already flogging their back-to-school merchandise, this might be a good time to think about purchasing a copy for that young person who aspires to be a writer and would benefit from a little sound advice.