Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Available for hire

Experienced editor, with three decades of experience and temporarily at liberty, offers to provide editorial and other services:

Will edit specimens of your newspaper, magazine, newsletter, Web site, or blog, correcting errors of fact, spelling, punctuation, grammar, and English usage; will also identify infelicities of expression and flaws in structure.

Will proofread your thesis, article, or presentation and suggest corrections and improvements.

Will draft for you news releases, handbills, and similar public announcements.

Will draft for you letters of complaint to persons, companies, or agencies that have done you an injury.* (Not responsible for results.)

Will deliver lectures or conduct workshops on writing and editing. (List of workshops available on request.)

Will speak to your class, club, or other group on writing, editing, and journalism.

Will coach you in the delivery of a speech or paper, the telling of a joke, and acceptable pronunciation.

Will correct the scansion of your song lyrics or other verses.

Will offer personal instruction in tying the bow tie or making the martini.

Fees are negotiable. References on request.

Contact information:

John E. McIntyre
5516 Plymouth Road
Baltimore, MD 21214

*Please, no matters regarding inheritances, uncollected winnings from foreign lotteries, or romantic entanglements.


  1. I'd say, freelance copyediting is a bit competitive.

    Just yesterday someone called me asking for advice in doing copyediting. My answer, in a nutshell, since newspapers are firing their copy staff (perhaps you have noticed, when reading the paper) , it is extremely competitive, as people with 20-30 years of experience are looking for work. And no one wants to pay, thinking it is really important.

    Not sure that I feel happy in being so darn right.

  2. Best avoid Spanish prisoners, too, unless supported by Amnesty International.

    I wish I had need of you. Best of luck to you.

  3. Are you an iPhone App?

  4. The app would have a bow tie as the logo.

  5. Please please please, look into taking a job at the Long Beach Herald. They dearly need a better editor.

    Career Opportunities at the Long Island Heralds

  6. I can see some value in having a document of my choice copy-edited by John E. McIntyre, but for me the better part of that value would be symbolic, similar to the satisfaction others might gain from having a book autographed by their favourite author.

    It is debatable whether this benefit is worth the hassle of paying for across international boundaries such as the Pacific Ocean, but persuasion in the form of a martini delivered across same ocean is considered inadvisable.

  7. How much would you want to edit The Da Vinci Code? It would be a service to humanity.
